Wednesday, June 20, 2007


After naming my cybertwin "iBri" as a way to poke fun at the trend of putting "i" in front anything, I began to wonder how viral this behavior was. I can't believe how many (and what types of) businesses actually think this is a good idea.

These are not spoofs or jokes:

iHerb - Where else are you going to get your herbs online?

iLaser - need some LASIK surgery?

iDog/iCat/iFish/iPenguin- you can purchase these things on Amazon

iFood - I have no idea what this site offers. Interestingly enough, it's not food

iLove - Another one that is not what you think it is. Guess and click. You were wrong.

- I passed up on because has to better!

iBabe - Of course. Not Safe for Work.

All I can say is, iGiveUp.

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