Wednesday, July 05, 2006

MySpace Envy

I am suffering a severe case of MySpace envy. I decided to create a MySpace account a few months ago after hearing all the buzz about what a fun site it was. I was expecting to be showered with new friends and shout outs of love from old friends. When I browse other peoples' profiles it is clear that everybody is just overwhelmed with friends and good times.

However, my profile has remained painfully quiet. The only messages I get are from "members" spamming me about their other, I can only assume, porn websites. Only about 25% of my real life friends that I have invited to share in the joy of MySpace have decided to join.

The sad truth is that I must be tragically unhip, despite my best efforts. I'd like to blame that on being too old for myspace (I am not in high school or college), but I see plenty of folks in my demographic whooping it up on MySpace.


yasser said...

maybe things just need time to pick up? i like the animation at the top of your blog.

shoshanamom said...

you need to look around on it and find people with common interests. I even sometimes just click 'add friend" to someone who just looks cool or pretty...even added one who I saw on everyone else's friends list so figured why not? doesn't hurt to network. it is addicting at first and its fun to see friends adding on.