Friday, June 27, 2008

Bullshit Bingo

Every now and then I find it difficult to stay awake during a meeting or a presentation. Staring at Powerpoint slides for hours on end can make me narcoleptic. I've tried all kinds of things to stay awake, and nothing works. But this might... Bullshit Bingo. Search the web for this term and you will find a plethora of variants. The basic game is simple, cross off boxes when you hear somebody use the phrase and try to get bingo. Here is a common BS Bingo Card:

Out-of-the-boxWin-WinAction ItemAt the End
of the Day
(Take) Offline
Opportunity CostParadigmIn a NutshellRamp UpMilestone
Bottom LineMetricsNo Bull
(free square)
QualityOn the Same Page
Red Flag24/7ProactiveCritical PathDeadline