Thursday, July 05, 2007

Road Rage

The other day I see a car with these bumper stickers:

"I'm on my way to work...please kill me."
"Go F*%K Yourself!"

All I can say is, don't cut this guy off!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Poker Wisdom

Lately I have been learning how to become a better poker player. As I learn more about the game, I realize that there is a lot of wisdom about life that can be learned from playing poker...

1) In the long run, good decisions pay-off - In poker, everybody experiences "bad beats" where they make the best play but still lose when the other player beats the odds with a lucky hand. Likewise, even the worst players win a hand with lucky cards every now and then. But, by studying your options and making the best possible choices, you will ultimately beat the variance of random results on any individual hand to come out ahead at the end of the game/tournament.

Life works the same way. There are random bad turns, and random windfalls. However, people who make the best decisions, with the information they have, will have the best chance at success.

2) You can't be afraid to take a chance - In poker, a "tight" player is one who rarely plays a hand. This type of player, who is afraid to take risks, may avoid busting-out (losing) quickly, but at the same time, their chip stack never grows and they are often beaten by players who play more aggressively.

You should try to not be a "tight" person when it comes to life. If you are afraid of taking any risks at all, you will never grow. Opportunities will pass you by.