Review: How the Mind Works
Part of me wants to say how fascinating and informative this book was. The other part wants to say how irritating and poorly written the book was.
How The Mind Works contains a lot of insight into the inner workings of the human mind without getting too technical for a lay person to understand. The author is good at explaining ideas with anecdotes and intelligent observations. My biggest problem with the book, though, is that it seems to be written with no thought to structure. I felt like the author was just pouring out ideas as they popped out of his mind. Desipite having an index, I doubt I could easily relocate a fact that I found interesting when I read it the first time. The author also intermixes his own opinions with such poise and confidence that the reader must be careful to not confuse them with the facts.
Still, overall, I'd recommend this book. Just make sure to keep an ample supply of post-it's ready if you want to be able to refer to you favorite parts later.